We often take our mothers for granted, when they have done so much for us over the years. We sometimes hurt their feelings, when all they have done is love us and care for us from the time we were born. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything: most importantly: I thank you for bringing me into this world, Dear Mama: you could have had an abortion, or place me up for adoption, but I am so glad that you loved me and cared for me, when I was unable to care for myself! "Dear Mama: A Son’s Tribute" is the 5th Career Book Publication of the Man of God: Bobby John Richard, Jr. "Dear Mama: A Son’s Tribute" was dedicated to my mother, Linda Marie Richard. I love you always, my dearest mother. I pray that this book touch your heart, and all of the mothers around the world. You are so much more than a mother to me: you are and will always be: my very best friend.