In the midst of foreign occupation and their immanent deaths in full view, the people of God cry out to Him for salvation. Why does God the good permit such injustice in His creation or against His chosen people? Why must there be such tribulation, and when will God the just set all things right? When will the religion of the world cease producing unbearable burdens for the people? When will the governments learn mercy and justice? When will God remove the evil from our midst? With myriads of witnesses observing, the divine court is called to session. We get to listen with John as witnesses take the stand to testify against those who do harm in the world. Jesus hears the testimony and reads a verdict we might not expect-salvation for the world, not destruction, for the accuser has failed. Those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book will not taste the second death. __________________________ General Content Warning: Though there are no sexually explicit images or descriptions in this book, it does include historical descriptions of Nero’s parties with references to orgies. It also includes historical descriptions of gruesome events during Nero’s three-and-a-half-year persecution of Christians and the Jewish Wars.