"The Price of Honor: A Civil War Story" is a gripping historical fiction novel for children ages 12-15, centered on 13-year-old twins, Steven and Sarah Harper. Set against the turbulent backdrop of the American Civil War, the story unfolds in a small town in Virginia, near Appomattox-a critical crossroads in the conflict. The twins’ lives are upended as the war divides their community and their own family, with their father, a passionate Union supporter, and their uncle, a committed Confederate soldier, embodying the nation’s fractured loyalties. Caught in the middle, Steven and Sarah struggle to reconcile the conflicting notions of honor presented to them. As they witness the toll of war on their family and friends, they learn that honor is not about glory on the battlefield but involves making difficult choices, standing up for justice, and staying true to one’s principles, even when it means going against the tide. Through a series of challenges that test their courage and integrity, the twins embark on a journey of self-discovery. They face the complexities of what it truly means to live honorably in a world torn apart by conflict. Guided by their family’s legacy and their evolving understanding of right and wrong, Steven and Sarah come to realize that honor is a daily commitment to fairness, empathy, and resilience. "The Price of Honor" is a poignant exploration of moral strength, the power of character, and the enduring quest to do what is right, even in the darkest of times.*