‘Suitable Vengeance’ is the story of the fictional character Colin Harris who was a highly imaginative white-collar criminal in the early years of the 21st Century. His success in monetary terms did not approach the magnitude of some high profile corporative thieves whose ‘take’ was measured in billions, but the motivation and sheer variety of Harris’s schemes make his story both intriguing and plausible. It is an anecdote of the single-minded driving force generated by a life-changing event in Colin Harris’s youth. The tragic event that motivated him and more particularly the callous way it was handled by others drove him to embark on a mission of retribution. He did not retaliate in the heat of the moment, but only after careful reflection and planning. He then embarked on his mission of reprisal; exacting his revenge in what he decided was the most suitable way. This book does not set out to either justify or to censure the main character’s criminal activity and anti-social behavior, neither does it try to moralize about the rights or wrongs of his nefarious schemes. Readers may choose to take the strictly legal view and condemn his fraudulent schemes outright or they may empathize with him, recognizing the frailty of the human condition. The book endeavors to draw a distinction between “bad” and “evil” and ensures that Harris’s sense of moral decency, warped though it undoubtedly was, does not cross the fine line between the two. As Colin Harris goes about “getting his own back” the reader may find the deceptions credible and intriguing. Should that be so, the book has achieved its aim; but the reader is warned, as many TV programs advise their viewers, “Do not try this at home.”