圖書名稱:Blackjack Card Counting: How to be a Professional Gambler
How to become a professional blackjack card counter. The good news is you don't have to be a mathematical genius to learn how to count cards, the bad news is many of the Hollywood movies depicting the life of a card counter as fast cash and penthouse suites make it all seem a little too easy. This book will give you a realistic look at what it takes to be a professional card counter. I will take you step by step through the entire process. As a former educator, I came up with a simple progressive learning model using a basic Hi-Lo level one count system that in combination will make it much easier for you to learn how to count cards. I broke the entire system down to make it as easy as possible so you can get into the casino quicker. Many times people do not even attempt to learn card counting because they think it is too hard. If they do attempt it, they get frustrated after a short time because the system is so complex they get lost in the mathematics. The only two things you need to be able to do to learn card counting are memorize and practice. This book isn't filled with hypothetical theories, it shows you the exact steps you need to take to learn to count cards. Now don't get me wrong, learning everything in this book will not be easy but most people can do it if they dedicate themselves to learning. However, card counting is much more than simply learning the process, the hard part is finding the right games and not being detected by the casinos. Those areas will be covered as well. Don't worry, the courts have ruled that counting is not cheating or illegal, but in Vegas they can throw you out because it is a private establishment, not because you are doing anything wrong. Counting cards is simply using your mind in a game of skill. If using your mind is cheating than I don't know how else to play. This book is for those of you familiar with blackjack that want to find out what card counting is all about. If you're tired of losing and are ready to take your game to the next level so you have the advantage over the casino, this book is for you. If you can already count cards, you may pick up a few tips here and there but you probably already know most of the content in the book.