The New King and Empire
The American Constitution with all of its Freedoms and Liberties which was established by our Founding Fathers has been replaced by a new World Empire and Sovereign President backed by his personal U.N. Army: the ‘Presidential Brigade Combat Team, 1st Elite Infantry’.
The Old Constitution to be Destroyed
The First Amendment was revoked and deemed unconstitutional by the United Nations Supreme Court. Every home and person is monitored through their computer, television or by government surveillance cameras.
The Second Amendment is in the process of being revoked by this newly formed Supreme Court.
We are to Institute a New Constitution
General Tommy Jefferson sets out to do exactly what his namesake, Thomas Jefferson, had ordered what ‘We the People’ are to do; “to alter or abolish it (the corrupt Constitution) and institute a new government.” In following his Constitutional duty, General Tommy Jefferson and the Spartan Guard set out to accomplish this duty without waiting for the sign which they were to receive: the American Phoenix Rising from the ashes.