Vivid, straight forward and amazing is the story of Fanny Adler as it has been passed orally through the years to the eldest of each generation. Now in straight-forward language that story, held inviolate for nearly two centuries is told. Told by the 6th Great Granddaughter of Fanny Adler, the first plural wife of the Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, it details the relationship the prophet had with Fanny when she first moved to the home of the prophet and his wife Emma. Fanny was 14. In Fanny's words, passed from generation to generation, it tells of the bonding and marriage to the prophet at age 16 and at 20, becoming pregnant, how she was forced to leave the Smith home. The story follows the life of the prophet as told by Fanny until his death, as she continued to stay in touch with her Mormon friends even though she had left the church. It is a work of fiction, based in fact; a page-turning, griping tale.