Maddie has never cared much for the stars, her world revolving around normal eight-grade life at Centennial Middle School. Then she befriends an exchange student named Asteria, a girl with glowing white skin.
But there are a number of strange things about Asteria. Why does she claim she's never been outside to look at the stars at night? Where is the strange place called 'Rana' she says she comes from? Who is the mysterious 'Clovis Gloober' who acts as her guardian? And why is the dark-eyed boy named Ukrat so determined to ruin Asteria's budding friendship with Maddie?
Asteria unexpectedly takes Maddie on a fantastic journey among the stars, a voyage beyond Maddie's wildest dreams. But not long after, Maddie and Asteria are faced with a terrible choice that threatens to destroy them both ...