"The Sisters of Jezebel" Against the backdrop of struggling with how to integrate his new-found faith into his life, and the pain and confusion of a shattered romance, Detective Chase Fleet finds himself caught up in a radical feminist plot to fundamentally alter the religious make-up of the Universe. Fleet weaves together a series of seeming unrelated events: murder and arson at a museum, an innocent church member caught up in a smuggling ring, the mysterious death of every member of a small, all-male cult in Montana, to expose the plot of a group of radical feminists seeking to replace all other religions with one worshiping a 'Goddess Supreme'.
"The Eyes of Christ". A Church assignment to bring down an anti-religious media mogul puts Chase Fleet into a desperate race to recover a stolen Christian artifact. A high-stakes poker game launches Fleet into an adventure that tests his newly found religious faith as he encounters payroll hijackers in a daring air car chase over Texas, assassins, and a enemy determined to publicly destroy both Fleet and his faith. Along the way Fleet meets a beautiful poker playing actress, a woman with a mysterious tattoo, a rich Texas energy executive, a retired Jewish citrus farmer: all who might or might not be what they appear to be (plus a gorgeous Israeli hitwoman who is exactly what she appears to be), all culminating with a 'Most Dangerous Game' scenario where success requires relying on his new and tenuous faith for a miracle.