圖書名稱:Rudow's e-Guide to DelMarVa Inshore & Offshore Fishing
Noted fishing author Lenny Rudow has written literally thousands of how-to/where-to fishing articles through the years, and Rudow's e-Guide to Delamrva Inshore & Offshore Fishing offers dedicated anglers the best of his works. It includes detailed, in-depth information on oceanic species ranging from tuna to golden tilefish to sea bass, plus many others. Rudow covers tactics, techniques, tackle, bait choices, and many other aspects which can take an angler to the next level.Speed jigging? Yup. Deep dropping? It's covered. Trolling tactics? You bet. This book includes a total of 15 different specific articles focusing on places and tactics DelMarVa anglers will need to know about.Those who have read Rudow's articles through the years know that he doesn't hold anything back - the "secrets" of the pros are willingly shared with the reader, and his advice is spot-on and in-depth. If you've enjoyed Rudow's writing in the past, you'll find Rudow's e-Guide to DelMarVa Inshore & Offshore Fishing is well worth the cost.