Patty, Prissy, and Pablo Pig have entered their poster into the annual contest. If they win first prize, they will have enough money to buy a house and move from the dusty pig pen in Piggsburg. Patty Pig wants the home to double as the University of Piggsburg where friends can learn language arts and a little math.
All of the Pig Tales volumes are designed to teach 3rd and 4th graders language arts skills. In addition, Patty represents left brain logical thinking while Prissy is more of a right-brain creative thinker. Pablo represents the "alligator brain" - eating and sleeping are his main activities.
Pablo drives his sisters Patty and Prissy in the pigmobile to Duck's Landing. Prissy Pig is very upset upon arriving to learn that many posters have been disqualified from the contest because rules were not followed. She is both sad and empathetic with others at the same time she is happy the competition is being eliminated.
Hubo the Duck requires each of the three potential winners to offer a one word description of the poster. Patty selects the word homophone and then, when she sees the audience doesn't understand her thinking, she changes to the word alliteration. The audience now understands.
Hubo and his friends Jerry the Jackal and Chicapoo the Cheetah decide on the winner, selecting between the pig's entry and those of Ollie Owl and Crandall Crane.
The pigs win and buy their new home. Patty is anxious to purchase items for the school and Prissy decides to paint purple petunias everywhere. Pablo doesn't seem to be that interested in more school.