圖書名稱:Eight Steps That Will Protect You From The Fiscal Cliff
The good news about the Fiscal Cliff is that you can decide what the outcome will be on a personal level. You may not be able to control decisions made about increased taxes or decreased government spending on programs like Medicare and Social Security but you can control what you will do in your personal life to protect yourself from the impact of these decisions. You just must learn from the poor behaviour of the government and not make the same mistakes. Changing your behaviour of just 'living for today' and spending what you earn does not take magic or genius. It is just a matter of realizing that you must begin to take saving and planning for your future more seriously than you ever have because there will be no one to bail you out in the end. Based on many years of research into investment analysis, business finance, economics, markets and portfolio management, this book will guide you through the steps you need to take to protect yourself from the impact of the Fiscal Cliff. You will have the tools you need to be sure that you and your financial future are protected. After following the steps and advice in this book you will have the confidence that your retirement will be stress free. Lee Adler - an investor of 31 years and author -gives you an easy to follow, step by step approach to show you how to: Start saving; Get your personal finances in order so that you can start investing; Benefit from the Magic of Compound Interest; Research and hire a Financial Advisor; Decide what type of Investor you are; Determine whether your Investments are making as much profit as they should; Question the management style of your Financial Advisor to ensure that you are making the greatest amount of profit possible at all times no matter what the economic climate; Lee Adler also shares with you the results of many years of research which culminated in his development of the All Climate Investment Strategy. This is a strategy that is based on the philosophy that every stage of the economy has within it investments that are making profit. He shows you why a buy and hold strategy is no longer the best strategy. He also explains how diversification can be destroying the potential profits you could be making. Also included is his All Climate Investment Model which explains the economy in terms of a cycle with the various stages that the economy can move through. It includes a detailed description of each stage, what market indicators predict movement from one stage into the next and the most valuable information of all - what investments have historically proven most profitable during each stage. This could be the most valuable investment tool you will ever own and is simple enough for even a beginning investor to use.