Travel with Passion on an odyssey, a self-reflective journey from a place of wholeness back to places of brokenness and lessons learned. You will never be the same. Passion doesn't merely survive. She soaks up the lessons and becomes not just smarter but wiser. It takes a brave person to blaze new trails into another world that is so unlike the one we came to know.
This book is a gift for those courageously seeking wholeness underneath the brokenness. As hard as it may seem and very well may be, there is joy in unburdening—joy in overcoming. Find the joy. In finding the joy, you will access an expansion of yourself that frees you from feeling cast down. The darkness wants you to feel cast down. Some people are confounded by your individual capabilities because of not seeing past the brokenness in your life. If they could see past the brokenness, they would recognize that you are manifesting the experiences offered by the wholeness that was already there as Divine Intelligence, which is also within them. Healing is a sacred space. It needs to be treated with gentleness, respect, and quiet. It comes from The Divine.