For 200 years, Oak Island kept its secret of the Money Pit. When a museum curator and his assistant decipher a British admiral’s diary, the treasure hunt takes a new turn. Dr. Sheldon and his student assistant Lauren search for the real source of the alleged pirate treasure that has eluded treasure hunters for decades.
There's never been a shortage of legends and stories surrounding the elusive Money Pit and anyone near Oak Island has heard them all. Suspicion and jealous desperation greet Dr. Sheldon and Lauren as they seek to solve the mystery of the island.
If there is still any treasure to find at all in the Money Pit.
Reviewed by Bil Howard for Readers' Favorite: 5 Stars "...Jenn Rekka has intertwined Last Assault on Oak Island with mystery and suspense enough to keep the reader turning pages and unraveling each set of clues. Each of the characters involved and the way in which they interact with each other as the pieces of the puzzle come together keep the reader engaged all of the way up until the end. Last Assault on Oak Island is a brilliant must-read for those who love suspense and mystery. The book will take you on a wild ride right up to the end."