Love boobs but don’t know how to draw them?
Then this is the book for you.
Finally you will have everything you need to help draw great boobs in a comic book style. This is a must have reference for anyone that is keen on drawing boobs.
But don’t just listen to me - here’s what a few people have had to say about this book.
I have always had major trouble drawing tits. That is until I discovered this book, AWESOME!
A. Virgin
Man what a find, this book taught me everything I needed to know about drawing great boobs, but just don’t take it to school
Detention Boy
This book, man, it got me dumped by my girlfriend. All I wanted to do was practice what this book had taught me, by drawing her tits. Thanks a lot BUDDY! I don’t have a girlfriend now but I sure can draw great tits.
Angry Reject