A restless norn, Ærndis, contravenes the will of The Fates by deceptively luring King Eric into a forbidden liaison and deviously engineering his unsanctioned triumph at the Battle of Fýrisvellir in 980 AD. By so doing, Ærndis denies Styrbjörn the Strong his rightful place upon the throne of Sweden. Cursed by The Fates for her treachery, Ærndis is consigned to a series of tumultuous mortal incarnations in order to perpetuate Styrbjörn’s bloodline until the wrong she engineered can be righted.
Embarking on her sentence, Ærndis secures for herself a legacy, designed to be passed down through time to meet her at her successive mortal lives and guide her in fulfillment of The Fates’ curse. In the periods between her mortal reincarnations, the powers of Ærndis’ legacy mold and shape many important leaders and events – indeed, the very course of history – across Scandinavia and Western Europe. The establishment of Christianity in Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus and his army’s sweep across the German lands of the Holy Roman Empire, the Scottish Highlanders and the Battle of Culloden, the fall of France’s House of Bourbon, Napoleon’s conquest of Europe, Kaiser Wilhelm, Otto von Bismarck and the rise of a unified Germany, are all intertwined in Ærndis’s curse and the powers of her legacy.
To satisfy the terms of her curse, Ærndis must find her way back in time to the Battle of Fýrisvellir, engineer the correct outcome as sanctioned by The Fates, and ensure Styrbjörn the Strong’s rightful placed upon the Swedish throne.