In its ‘go boldly’ explorations Earth stumbled across the Lin-Teye – a race of elegant humanoids facetiously dubbed Elves by many because of their beautiful pointed ears. Older than mankind the Lin-Teye were extremely friendly, honorable to a fault, anxious for inter-species contact, and they possessed a great sense of humor. No one could explain the Earth Lin-Teye war, it made no sense. And further compounding the stupidity was that the Lin-Teye were thoroughly kicking Earth’s rear. Two years of bitter defeats had Earth reeling and StarComm morale near the breaking point. It was at this grim moment that the impossible lit a spark of hope. That it was authored by a unit of naval misfits known as Lonsdale’s Losers made the results even more improbable.
The squadron contained more than its share of unusual characters, the first of which was its commanding officer. Lieutenant Derek Lonsdale, scorned and ostracized by fellow StarComm officers because of his Lin-Teye brother-in-law, has developed a nasty attitude and dangerous abilities. Beautiful Ensign Bonnie Ann Laforte volunteered for the high risk mission to spite a rich mother and avoid a favored stepsister’s hurtful machinations. Chief Petty Officer Michael P Grayly, busted from Senior Chief to Chief for insubordination, officially, oozes cynicism thick enough to drown gung-ho remnant. Private Chas Salvoni, a world class genius and StarComm librarian, was successfully avoiding any real world connection to responsibility and rank until the war found him through his explainable assignment to Squadron CTI-351. Private Clyde Lucius Hodge, six-foot eight muscled inches of hostility, has been busted to private more times than he has fingers and hates Officers, NCOS, and StarComm – in exactly that order. The one normal officer in the unit, Lieutenant Ron Jase, a prestigious ANNS III graduate, is in the unit under false pretenses. His real mission is to spy on Lieutenant Lonsdale.
Note: No sex. Does contain cursing and violence appropriate to military action.