Hollywood writer Reginald Hudlin launched his career with the blockbuster House Party; his follow-up Boomerang grossed more than $150 million. Hudlin developed Bebe’s Kids, the first mainstream animated feature film aimed at African-American audiences, and served as BET’s President of Entertainment. In 2005, Hudlin wrote Birth of a Nation, a satirical graphic novel produced with Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder and award-winning cartoonist Kyle Baker. A longtime Marvel fan, Hudlin jumped at the opportunity to write Black Panther, as well as a run on Marvel Knights Spider-Man.
John Romita Jr. is a modern-day comic-art master, following in his legendary father’s footsteps. Timeless runs on Iron Man, Uncanny X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man and Daredevil established him as his own man artistically, and his work on Wolverine and World War Hulk is among the most explosive comic art of the 21st century. In addition to Eternals with writer Neil Gaiman, JRJR teamed with Mark Millar on the creator-owned Kick-Ass, later developed into a blockbuster feature film starring Nicolas Cage. Spidey fans rejoiced at the artist’s return to Amazing Spider-Man with the "Brand New Day" storylines "New Ways To Die" and "Character Assassination." He later helped relaunch Avengers with writer Brian Michael Bendis and Captain America with Rick Remender, and contributed to the blockbuster crossover Avengers vs. X-Men. For DC Comics, he has drawn big-name characters such as Superman, Batman and the Suicide Squad.
Trevor Hairsine broke into the comic-book industry through one of Britain’s most popular weekly publications, 2000 A.D. His art on the long-running series earned him a regular position on Cla$$war, a politically charged series published by the UK-based Com.X studio. Describing Hairsine’s Cla$$war work as "breathtaking," Marvel Comics Editor in Chief Joe Quesada invited the artist to join the company under exclusive contract in 2003. Hairsine’s talent has made him a sought-after collaborator among the industry’s top writers; he has teamed with Warren Ellis on Ultimate Extinction, Brian Michael Bendis on Ultimate Six and Ed Brubaker on X-Men: Deadly Genesis. Other Marvel credits include Captain America and Wisdom.
David Yardin hails from Sydney, Australia, and has worked extensively in Marvel’s mutant-related titles, contributing covers and interior artwork to X-Factor, District X, Storm and X-Men: Manifest Destiny. Other credits include Black Panther, Ms. Marvel and Captain Britain and MI13.