In a world where the mystical and the real intertwine, The Oracle of the Great Mamerto unveils the bizarre and surreal fabric that upholds Nicolás Maduro’s power in Venezuela. In this work, superstitions and prophecies take center stage, guiding the decisions of a regime that, like a fragile, disassembled toy, teeters on the brink of its destiny. The wandering spirit of Hugo Chávez, the deities of Sorte Mountain, and a grotesque oracle conjured by a spiritualist reveal an unsettling truth: the Great Mamerto, a leader whose parts are assembled and disassembled like a Mr. Potato Head, is fated to face an end he cannot escape. Through esoteric rituals and mythological figures, the book exposes how invisible forces and irrationality become the true guides of a regime on the verge of collapse. The Oracle of the Great Mamerto is a fascinating and unsettling narrative that blends magical realism with stark political reality, inviting readers to explore the boundaries of reason in a power structure crumbling before their very eyes.