An Evangelical professor theology at the University of Jena and a pastor. The author of many books and papers before, during and after World War II, Dr. Grundmann is part of the lost patrimony of the National Socialist era denied to the American people. This work, The Reich of the Germans, was written by Prof. Grundmann as a part of the Series On Troop Support (Schriftenreihe zur Truppenbetreuung) for Wehrmacht soldiers. Analogous to the American war propaganda "Why We Fight", the series sought to educate German soldiers as why they were fighting, German history and duty. This was Booklet 52 in the series. While written from a Lutheran protestant viewpoint, one finds it interesting in reading the "other side of the story" in part, such as the struggle between the Pope and Emperor at Canossa wherein Dr. Grundmann stands with the Emperor against the Pope. He provides the answer to the question of "What is the Reich? - does it simply mean empire, or something more?" He also remarks upon "the American Era", and after almost 80 years since the end of the war, given the severe challenges to American society, we must say that he was prescient.