Interest and personal fascination with the field of Heraldry, and especially Scots heraldry, is at an all-time high, not least in the many corners of the globe where "Scots Abroad" are to be found. In 2022 the Lyon Court celebrated the 350th Anniversary of the establishment of the Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in Scotland. To mark this, Dr Bruce Durie compiled and published An Ordinary of Arms Volume III, following on from Balfour Paul’s Ordinary of Arms (1903) and Reid and Wilson’s Ordinary Volume II (1973). There was an immediate clamour for a Companion Volume dealing with Crests, Mottos, Supporters, Flags, Badges, etc. Lord Lyon Dr Joseph J Morrow wrote in his Foreword to the Ordinary Volume III: "This is a milestone publication in a milestone year for Scots heraldry". It is hoped this Companion will provide information not readily available anywhere else.