"The mandala in Nichiren Buddhism" is the first comprehensive analysis of Nichiren’s mandala in English. As the total number of pages in a single volume would reach 720, the book has been divided into three parts. In this first volume, the origin and evolution of Nichiren’s mandala are examined, while the extant works produced in the Bun’ei and Kenji eras (2.1264 4.1275/4.1275 2.1278) are analyzed in detail. The second volume will thus examine the whole extant corpus produced in the Koan period, while in the third the missing, but catalogued mandalas will be analyzed along with a study of Nichiren’s works from an holistic perspective, including the scrolls authored by his immediate disciples and later successors, within the various traditions. Together, these three volumes shall provide the reader with exhaustive information on Nichiren’s mandala.