Turning Jacob to Israel unveils the sequence of actions and reactions that takes place at Peniel in the life of the children of God. Peniel is a Divine Refinery; God who detest wastage of resources, has set out a very vital school which all His children must go through to learn all that it takes to avoid wastage of those raw material deposit He kept in us. Experiences of life are what God utilizes in the extraction of Israel from Jacob. No man remains the same after Peniel for the sun raises thereby displacing darkness forever. Picking up this book is staying yes to the most worthwhile sail in the sea of life, kindly fasten your seat-belt, because it is a turbulent one, but remember Gethsemane-Golgotha is the only sure path to a rich fulfilling life of dominion in and with Christ. God is the Chief Engineer, and the purest and best of you is the final product. You won’t be the same after this encounter, for your sun will definitely rise displacing darkness from you forever. Thanks for keeping this appointment.