The easiest and most effective DIY carpet cleaning you can do, is buff cleaning. You may be wondering, 'Buff Cleaning' surely carpets won't respond, -- but they do. In fact, carpets respond very well to buff cleaning. The good thing is that you use very little water and carpets dry withing the hour too. The system is very simple but it must be used regularly. How it works is through a micro fiber buffing pad which sits on the base of a buffer machine. The pad spins slowly over the surface of your carpets. Soils are absorbed into the rotating buffing pad as it spins. The system is very quick too. You can do up to 5 or 6 rooms in just an hour or two. But here's the secret to using buff cleaning on your carpets. The best way to use this system is is to clean your carpets before they get dirty. That's right, you clean about every 4-6 weeks, that way, carpets don't get a chance to re-soil. You clean up the soils before they start to show. In 'How to Clean Carpets Diy' I take you through the whole procedure from getting started to finishing your room cleaning. It's all laid out for you in simple to understand language. Don't rely solely on extraction cleaning for your carpets, try this buff cleaning and see for yourself how effective it really is.