Whispers in the sky is a mixed bag of autobiography and fiction. In part, it captures the author's voice about what he thinks and feels. As he writes about politics and society, with the pen of a gadfly. No topic is taboo. Yet, every topic he writes about is seasoned with less controversy than usually attends the same. The author delves deep into sacred cow topics with humor and alterness to what prevails in society. So, on this level, Whispers in the Sky reads like satire indwelt with socio-political commentary. And despite the said commentary being of an African bent it still has universal reach. Because subjects like corruption, of power and money, are relevant on a human level. The author has not spared himself, either. He writes about his past and present with an openness bordering upon naivety. His varied background is based in several countries on account of his late father's diplomatic career. In fine, Whispers in the Sky is a compendium of a life and experiences thereof that have shaped the character and outlook of Mr Kanyonyozi.