“Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX - Coming of Age in South Branch” includes the eleven short stories in the original Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX series, completely rewritten in book form. Here, Tilly and Elmer, an Iowa married couple in their 60’s, reminisce about their passionate but awkward high school romance.
The book includes 11 chapters, 60,000 words, and 75 illustrations. It all adds up to great fun, especially if you and your partner read it to each other before turning out the lights! This sweet, funny, nostalgic, and yes, dirty, book begins when Elmer Talbot, about to begin his junior year, notices that Matilda Williams, a girl he has known since second grade, has matured into a candidate for his erotic fantasies. He sets out to turn his fantasies into reality, but in the process a surprising thing happens – he falls madly, totally, completely head-over-heals in love with her. And the feeling is mutual, most of the time. Between that first afternoon at the local pool and the day they leave for colleges 2000 miles apart, well, let’s just say they learn a lot, mostly through hands-on experience.
The Tilly and Elmer FlashbackX series has something for everyone. If you grew up in the 1950’s or 60’s, especially if you grew up in the Midwestern United States, these stories will probably seem embarrassingly familiar. If you grew up in the 1930’s or 40’s, you’ll find out what your kids were doing every night when they told you they were “studying at a friend’s house”. And, if you grew up in the 1970’s or 80’s, this will explain why your parents are so weird. If you were born after 1990, on the other hand, you can just consider this ancient history.