It's dark, it's funny, it's insane, it's tearful, it's warm, and it's cold. It's all things wrapped into one. Infamous poet and songwriter, Rob Redwine, takes you on a bit of a roller coaster ride of emotions and laughter in The Mind of a Wordsmith. His debut book of poetry and artwork that he and his children designed. The words provide a great deal of color to each poem, while each piece of artwork seems to be almost perfectly married to the story on the opposing page. Marriage and relationships are also a recurring theme in the book. The writing and the artwork both seem to mature as the book presses on into the later chapters. There's an underlying theme about struggling through a broken relationship (or multiple broken relationships) and subsequently healing from the hardship. As the writer seems to mend a broken heart over the course of the journey, the artwork matures alongside the musings and laments. The Mind of a Wordsmith is a very easy read. It's simplicity makes it complex. It's immaturity makes it carefree. It will make you laugh, cry, and think from page to page. It is a book for every season, every emotion, and everyone.