If there was anything unglamorous about working for Lavisav Limited, a company that manufactured chemical toilets, it hadn’t occurred to fifteen-year-old Jo Hackett. On her first day as secretary to the Advertising Manager, nothing could quench her enthusiasm – not the smell of the garlic cough medicine the company also manufactured, nor the Victorian smoke-veiled building set in a dingy South London suburb. Not her lack of any qualification whatsoever, nor her non-existent typing skills. She was carried away on an aromatic secretarial cloud into a commercial paradise, where all her deficiencies would somehow right themselves. After all, she wasn’t just a shorthand typist, but a secretary and she was going to earn five pounds, ten shillings a week.
Fortunately, Jo Hackett’s career doesn’t stop here. This book is a humorous romp through her secretarial career, and the eccentric characters she encounters along the way.