Gold, a summer story is an erotically charged, suspense-filled, film-noiresque, deceptive, highly unpredictable e-novel by Mike Bozart. It is set in North Carolina (USA), primarily the Carolina Beach/Wilmington area. Charlotte, Raleigh, Fayetteville and Jacksonville (NC) also figure into the plot.
Various characters 'accidentally' find a pair of gold nuggets worth over a million dollars. However, they have a hard time converting the bouillon into cash. Is the gold cursed?
The desire for the gold is nearly equalled by the desire for sex. The lusty scenes are as steamy as the summer heat.
Imagine finding gold on a deceased friend's property by pure chance. No, not a class ring - a lot of gold: a motherlode. What would you do? ... and how? Would there be complications? ... and distractions? Who could you trust? Who would really love you for who you were? And, how would you go about getting it converted into cold, hard cash?
Everyone who comes into the gold thinks that they've got made. Life will be a breeze on Easy Street. Well, that's what they think.