Just south of the US/Mexico border (Arizona) lies an expansive and impressive watershed that offers a variety of rivers to be run – the watershed of the Rio Yaqui. While not officially part of the Copper Canyon system, the headwaters of the Rio Yaqui are very near the headwaters of other rivers that flow through Copper Canyon. Instead of flowing south through Copper Canyon, the Yaqui drains the area north of Copper Canyon, flowing through a maze of canyons that twist and turn in every direction to eventually enter the Sea of Cortez south of Ciudad Obregon in the State of Sonora.
This E-book is an attempt to consolidate what little information there is on boating the rivers of the Yaqui drainage so that other adventurous boaters can experience the thrill of exploration but still have some idea of what they are getting into. It includes photos, maps, river descriptions, and a mile by mile guide identifying the approximate locations of rapids, potential camps, and possible water sources. Much of this information comes from the author’s own exploration of this drainage, having completed cataraft descents of the upper Rio Bavispe, Rio Verde, upper Rio Sirupa, Rio Mulatos (three times), Rio Tutuaca, upper Rio Aros, and lower Rio Aros/Rio Yaqui (five times) and the Rio Sahuaripa (first descent). It also contains stories of descending these rivers by others and those that have accompanied the author in his exploration of this fascinating and beautiful region.
The canyons and rivers that run through them in the Yaqui drainage are like nothing else the author has run in the United States. The boatable river sections range from mellow floats to canyons filled with rapids formed by giant boulders and bedrock ledges. Some sections are for experts only and may require portages. The rapids range from tight, technical Class II and III rock gardens, to mini-gorges with Class III and IV water; wide open Class III’s with big waves and whirlpools to thundering Class V (or more). There truly is something for everyone. Well, not everyone… It takes a special breed of boater to enjoy dropping into this no-man’s land of northern Mexico to go boating! So buy the book, enjoy the stories, and use the information to get out there and experience the rivers of the Yaqui watershed for yourself. Better yet, join the author on one of his expeditions.