Terrence Lorenzo, depressed about his nowhere job and his lackluster relationship with his old high school boyfriend named Kevin, conceives the idea of auditioning for a reality show in New York, where the winner is guaranteed a chance to become the hottest new pop singing star in America. He’s not sure he’ll win, but he decides to take a chance on the audition anyway.
Jude Foster, another singer in the competition, is attracted to Terrence, but he’s also devoted to his over-bearing mother and determined to win the competition at all cost. And when they are both selected to go to Hollywood, an emotional rollercoaster ensues that leaves Terrence extremely satisfied in bed, but just as disillusioned in the romance department as he was before the show. And in order to fill the void, he takes on a long list of anonymous lovers for the first time in his life.
As the contestants rehearse and the show gains in ratings, a disgruntled fan starts sending Terrence death threats, the sex between Terrence and Jude takes a surprise turn in the wrong direction, and Terrence learns that he had to travel all the way to Hollywood only to discover that what he really wanted all along was in his own backyard.