In this compelling urban love story about courage and strength, during a night out at a dance club, Michael Jacobs is captured by a beautiful young woman name Jasmine Summers. As the two share in a dance, they discover that they dance very well together. While Michael himself dances for the enjoyment of it, he learns that Jasmine is actually a well accomplished and well acclaimed, professional dancer.
After eventually becoming a couple, Michael and Jasmine discovers that they have a connection that's on a level that very few would, or could understand. While most people communicate with each other verbally, Michael and Jazz develop a unique way of communicating with one another thru dancing, and thru the movements and motions of their bodies. The two become so comfortable with this form of communication, that they also begin to express their feelings and their emotions thru dance.
Michael becomes so in love with Jasmine, that he begins to think about planning his future around her. A future that includes marriage and having a family together one day. But he begins sensing that something is very wrong. And after a very scary episode one evening, Jasmine has no choice but to reveal a secret that she's been keeping from Michael. Or does she?