On Blue Angel, a space station city populated with humans and ghosts, Torbjorn Lennikailen must negotiate a maze of alliances and betrayals. He has to clear the name of his vigilante girlfriend Marjorie Flamberge, and time is running out, because Planetside corporations want to put their stamp on the city. They have a long term project in mind for it that is nearing fruition.
Torbjorn receives an enigmatic warning from a Planetside agent on the eve of Marjorie's near capture by the police and prepares for war. Concurrently, Marjorie learns that the Divinity Wars, which tore apart the system a hundred years ago, may return. Both of the ominous signs tie into the presence of the ghosts on the station, who have lingered for decades.
During a protest against the station's police forces, Torbjorn and his squad will sneak into a vault that hides the answers. Inside it he will discover the origin of the Divinity Wars, the motive of the Planetside agent Sandexer Serruni, and a way to clear Marjorie's name. Will he survive long enough to save the city and rescue Marjorie? Will millions of people die in another round of the Divinity Wars?