In the early part of the twentieth century, the theoretical physicist Albert Einstein proved that nothing can travel faster than light. Bill Axon is a lecturer at the University of Southern Arkansas. He shares man's dream of going to the stars. That dream seems to be almost impossible because of Einstein's speed limit of 186,000 miles per second. However, the discoveries of a colleague, a Professor of Quantum Physics, are set to make that dream a reality. Read how that reality progresses and follow Bill Axon to the stars. Discover what and who he finds there. In describing this tale, I must pay tribute to the sources of my research. These include Google Earth and the websites of Wikipedia and, not forgetting the Wiktionary! Essentially the premise of this tale is a limited form of time travel. A form which does reveal any awkward paradox. Developing this idea enables travel at 'Warp'' speeds, but prohibits the use of radio communications over interstellar distances. The other main assumptions in my tale are that all life is based on DNA and that convergent evolution brings sentience. Also that the elder races, by and large, reach a stage of peaceful co-existence. For the most part, that is!