A young recent college graduate looking to create an identity of his own, while no longer under the watchful eyes of his parents, moves from his Brooklyn, New York home to Capitol City. Unable to find work in his field, Duane takes a minimum wage job at a dry cleaners. Duane barely has enough money to make ends meet and the low pay forces him to live in the low income downtown neighborhood of Capitol City. After being a victim to a local gang, he quickly learns that he might've made a big mistake moving out of his NYC home into the crime infested neighborhood.
Duane’s life suddenly takes a turn for the better. However, just when things start to look promising, tragedy strikes. Duane is left injured and severely traumatized. His injury causes him to lose his grasp on reality. He has nightmares and hallucinations of a childhood comic book hero named "The Urban Legend" taunting him. The Urban Legend appears out of the darkness with his trademark red eyes and haunts Duane. Eventually Duane gives in; he makes a fictional comic book hero a reality.