After recently graduating college, Steven Jackson, a 23 years old young man is hired to work at an advertising agency. His first day on the job, he's initially attracted to Nina Sanchez, the head supervisor of the agency. But by the end of the day, it's the supervisor’s very shy, soft spoken executive assistant Tamika Johnson, a 22 years old young woman who really captures his attention, and intrigue.
While many in the company view Tamika as a “Plain-Jane”, Steven sees pass her outer appearance, and is taken by her beautiful heart and her deep soul. So much so, that he pursues Tamika, and eventually the two become involve in a relationship. But Steven quickly becomes worried and concerned when he notices a look that seems to be often present in his new girlfriend’s eyes. A very distant look that seems to be of hurt, pain, sadness, loneliness, and sometimes even fear.
Mika tries to convince Steven that the hurt, pain, sadness, and fear that he senses in her is because of her father being very sick. But during one evening, Steven learns of the true nature of his girlfriend's father's sickness. And of the deep, dark secret that she has been keeping for over 14 years.