Owen’s tale calls to mind the relationships of fathers and sons, family and having faith in those you love. He has no last name and little is mentioned about his appearance. What’s more, his parents have no first or last names. They too have no physical descriptions. Readers will find that the literary characters have been deliberately painted with broad strokes.
Where Owen is concerned, by limiting his physical description and attributes, hopefully, it will create a diverse interpretation of who he can be in the mind’s eye of the reader. The general focus of the story is about trusting your kids. You will meet a quick-to-judge teacher, some slightly callous classmates and one compassionate babysitter with the utmost empathy. A Godzilla patch is also mentioned. Family friendly and profanity free, Owen’s story is about more than just a little boy and a moose. In the end, you will have to decide who the real hero is. No doubt, adults will appreciate its poignant message.