A power packed and intriguing thriller, The Shir Khan Prophecy is the second novel in the Kane Rhodes/Brian Jones series from author John Lock. Intelligent and unswervingly appealing it whips along at a breakneck pace as Lock dexterously plaits converging plot lines across international boundaries, his attention to detail particularly noteworthy. Two British MI6 Agents, Kane Rhodes and Brian Jones, have been sent to Afghanistan to infiltrate the notorious Al-Jahid Cult who, for the past few years, have been grooming prominent people throughout the world, to become major terrorists. The Cult had only recently been uncovered when Kane and Brian helped to thwart a major terrorist attack on Washington which could have claimed several hundred thousand lives, even millions if the process, as intended, had been similarly implemented in other areas. Infiltrating the Cult had been comparatively easy; the uncovered extent of the potential danger however, had sent warning tremors across the whole of the Western world and it was left to a solitary CIA Agent to pick up the trail.