The Forest is Alive is a charming fairy tale about The Enchanted Forest of Rising Moon Lake. A large white wolf named Frost is the leader of the forest. Three black wolves that are troublemakers named Dark, Dusk and Shade plan an attack on Frost to become the leaders of the forest. A little blue dragon named Sparky is practicing to breathe fire. He sets the forest on fire! All of the animals in The Enchanted Forest are in danger from the forest fire. There is a magical tree in the middle of the forest. Sparky must save all of his animal friends from the fire that he started in the forest. There is a very ugly troll that lives in a cave on the top of Wolf Mountain by Rising Moon Lake. The troll comes down from the mountain to The Enchanted Forest. An ugly witch with a big nose wants the two fairies to make her pretty. Two beautiful unicorns live at the edge of the forest in this magical story of Snow White and her seven white wolf puppies. An Activity Game is at the end.