There are a lot of reasons why companies go global. A particular foreign market may present a greater profitability opportunity than the local market of the business. Perhaps, the business has reached the tipping point in its export business and the market has grown large enough to merit an additional manufacturing facility or partner in another country. Maybe access to skilled, lower-cost workers is an attraction. Possibly setting up a local shop in a foreign market will help circumvent trade barriers that are constraining the company’s growth.
The book is for small to medium enterprises (SME), a business that has grown beyond the “start-up venture”. The SME would be an ongoing business, with employees, receivables, and payables. It has a business growth plan, and as the manager, you know what business you are in and have the resources to expand. SMEs typically do not have a cadre of specialists, particularly where logistics and trade compliance are concerned. Those duties are most likely being added to existing staff with similar domestic responsibilities. However, realize that global is not the same as local business, it is outside of common knowledge and there are matters that managers need to understand better so they do not make serious mistakes in the process of going global.
Published by Buoyant Capital, NYC (c) 2016