Author Larry Hunt's latest historical fiction of his series of books with the Scarburg family contains a mystery, or a riddle if you like. A mystery, which Sergeant Edward White Scarburg, Sr., a member of the 82nd Infantry Division unknowingly discovers while fighting in France during WWI. The key to unlocking the mystery is a German dogtag Edward takes from a German soldier. Robert believes the tag had been a good-luck token to him during The Big War, so he gives the tag to his son Edward Scarburg, Jr. when he enlists in the 82nd Airborne Division to fight during WWII. He hopes the tag’s good-luck will protect his son during the terrible days that follow. The question is: will it? Does the dogtag have power over life and death?
Follow the exciting battles of the trench warfare of Edward Sr., in WWI to Edward Jr.’s parachute jump with the 82nd Airborne Division on D-Day during WWII, and his adventures beyond. Find out for yourself if the dogtag is indeed lucky for Edward Jr. as his father believes, or will it eventually become a curse to him? Will he discover its powers? Does it truly have the ability to control life and death?