The stranger folded his arms and fixed him with a glare. “You do not,” he said in clipped tones, “have a choice in the matter. Whether you want it or not, somewhere along the line you will find yourself embroiled in the battle. They’re out looking for you, Joel Henry- and you don’t want Them to find you unprotected.” “What? Brian Griffin’s gang?” The stranger sighed with forced patience. “No,” he said, “I’m talking about-” He gestured abstractly whilst looking for the right words. “I suppose- for want of a better word-” He looked slightly embarrassed now. “-perhaps... Evil?” A lengthy silence hung in the air after this statement. Then Joel snorted and the day went downhill from thereon. There are trolls and goblins, kidnapping and romance (of sorts), and a final show down with His Honour. No one, it seems, knows what they're supposed to be doing, but apparently, Joel is saving the world- with the help of a handful of goblins and a racist angel. It doesn't appear to the best planned expedition- surely Someone knows what's going on.