圖書名稱:15 Secrets to Success in Multi-Level Marketing
This little e-book is designed for those who are just starting out on the journey in Multi- Level Marketing (MLM), which is also referred to as Network Marketing. For ease of reference we will refer to it as “MLM”.
You may be wondering what you have gotten yourself into.
You may be questioning whether or not you can do it, or have enough time, or whether you have a strong enough reason to get started.
Read and enjoy this book, and above all, remember, it is YOUR business, nobody can force you to do anything that you don’t want to do, and you can run at your own pace.
What levels you reach, or how much you make are up to you.
Having said that, we can absolutely assure you that the faster you start, the quicker and more solidly your business will grow and flourish.
You will be surrounded by many great people who all want you to succeed, because your upline only make money from your participation, when they help you to make money first.
So keep an open mind, be enthusiastic and above all, be ready to learn and grow, and then have fun with it.