Manorville III follows the story of Paula Davis, the fresh faced, bright eyed social worker, who is thrust into the chaos of the mental patients at the Manor Nursing Homes. In the first Manorville book, a devastating flood is survived with the help of the Amish community. Paula is smitten by a hunky Amish man, but escapes being thrust back into the seventh century by running off to college to get a Master’s Degree. In book II, the ever intrepid Paula, returns to the nursing home and finds true love (almost) with the new town dentist. The shenanigans of the crazy Professor shake up the small town's ideas when he declares, Religion is a Fraud. As usual, Paula escapes this mess by running off to college to get her PhD. In book III, Paula has had enough of little town crazies and with her new PhD gets a job with the Medicaid Fraud Unit. Of course, she must return to the Manor Nursing Homes when reports of abuse surface. The owner, founder, of the homes has died, and an impersonal Corporation has taken over. The patients revolt against management. Bertie the cook, poisons the director's stew with rhubarb leaves, peanut butter is put in the clothes dryers, cement in the washers. Of course, Paula has a new love... together they force the corporation to sell the homes to an Amish entrepreneur. All ends well... Look for more fun and games in the upcoming Manorville IV.