A stopper and a hopper and a back room popper: A book to be read by someone with brains in their head; instead of up their ass. This book is written for those who found all of the classics amusing and confusing. This book is not for maroons. This book like the other great books by this author Kinney is for the grateful and thankful. This book may be for you. So hop in baby and let the good times roll. LOL LOL: About NASA and its waste of taxpayer’s money. The White Text Torah Law: Number's 28 from Ancient Govri/Hebrew script (ketav levonah). And this is what this story and all of this information is all about: Ancient Paleo Hebrew Torah: Author’s former mentor ShmuwÁL-Bet HaShem Midrash: Masoretic text-has been transliterated into Ketav Levonah; High Priest; Kuwahenhhagedaúwl; reveals Revelation of the White Text Torah Law; ShmuwÁL ben Aharon, Wahli; Priest prophet. Truly a Priest of YHWH YahúWah, A real Priest! Cohen! From 'Star Fields Above and Beyond; ‘So let us examine these Teúwrah / Torah components as they speak in the voice of the White Text Torah. Confirmed now, by Planet Zayin 7; A Cosmic Star Rock of Pure Light; ‘The Race of the TORAH LIGHTS’ Mankind’s Y-TWOOO-Your Total Windshield Of Outer Orbits: Front door to deep space and its vast secrets and mysteries.