"Not another war!" screamed General Stronghold. He was sitting in the regular war meeting with four other generals and one civilian citizen. "How are we explaining this to the civil population?" asked his second in command General Wishbone. "Well I read an article last weekend," said the civilian, Theodor Brown, at the table. "it was about this Professor Harding that had put monkey brains in to metal bodies, and made cyborgs, with a good results. This Professor Harding says he is ready to try it on a human subject." "Send him to our military installations, if he objects double his pay," said General Stronghold. Then looking at Teddy Brown he added, "It'll be your job to find out what company can manufacture the metal bodies." "Will do," answered Teddy Brown.
Professor Harding said a flat no to the idea to move his laboratory to a military installation. When he was told he would get two hundred thousand a year, he quickly changed his opinion, and had his entire lab moved to Pentagons new location. The first try, on a man that had a car accident where his chest was crashed, but his brain intact, was a total success. In less than a year, several hundreds of cyborgs had been produced, all with total success. When the first hundred of these robot soldiers were sent to a south Asian country to fight the terrorists, it was a total success again. Even the local citizens loved the tin-cans, and thanked them for ending this stupid war. The success was so big, that General Stronghold decided to become a cyborg himself. This was the time when to highly intelligent men had an accident, and to save them from dying they were both made into cyborgs. Now started the cyborgs to in secret produce more of themselves, and the world was changed forever.