Monster of Music contains: Monster of Music (String Theory), Absinthe, All Cold Hell, Anhedonia, Attack of the New Car, Attack of the Toilet, Ball-et (Chain), Bar Code, Beady Eyes, Blood Time, Burning Bras, Busted, Calcium Eyes, Carnival Crime, Cash Tea, Chasing Pills, Cheek, Cigarette Palace, Circus Blimps, Colored II, Cultivating, Denuded, Denuded II, Drink Jungle, Drink Jungle II, Dueling S-words, Emotional, Ethnic, Eventually, Fashioned, Feed the Cars, Folly-O, Growth Hormone, Habit, Harmonica, In Your Business, Instrumental, Junk Day, Lost, Lost in Shadows, Manacled, Mother Father Father Mother, Nick of Time, Outside the Lines, Panic (Attack), Popping Pills of Gunnery, Puffed Up, Riot, Rolled Money, Rude Cool Rue de Cool, Safety in Numbers, Settled Debt, Sin Log, Skull and Bones Crew, Smoke (R), Static, Tailored Bust, The Bible of Belle View, The Box, Tinted Windows, and Under Wear.