圖書名稱:Nanotroopers Episode 9: Demonios of Via Verde
Episode 9, Quantum Troopers. A strange occurrence in the South American country of Valencia triggers a Quantum Corps investigation. Red Hammer bots are altering the atmosphere, creating a zone of unbreathable, toxic air. It’s a test, but if it works, Red Hammer plans to do the same thing to populated areas, holding them hostage for ransom. Inside the zone, Johnny Winger and his 1st Nano troopers find that the toxic air zone is also a nursery, the source of most of the angels that are causing a body-swapping epidemic around the world. And now Doc Frost, kidnapped and forced to work for Red Hammer, has managed to escape…but can he get away and be rescued before the cartel catches up to him? Johnny Winger finds himself and his troopers fighting strange half-human creatures in the Valencian jungle along with vicious ANAD clonebots that are altering the air. And now, the Corps needs to find and rescue Doc Frost before he’s forced to do even more for Red Hammer. Looks like Quantum Corps has its hands full again. Lieutenant John Winger leads his beleaguered nanotroopers into combat, on battlefields across the globe and inside the world of atoms and molecules.