This is an urban action-thriller about an assassin name Da'Quan Jackson, whose girlfriend Latasha Grant has murdered her own father. Not only does Quan stand beside and supports her, but he also helps her cover up the killing. He understands why she did it, and what drove her to do it. He understands the hurt and pain that her father has caused her and her brother. He wants to comfort her, console her, and be an ear for Tasha to release some of the feelings and emotions that he believes is being held inside of her. But Latasha keeps avoiding talking about the issue. Her boyfriend begins to worry that holding everything inside and not talking about it will eat away at her inside.
Just as Da'Quan feared, his girlfriend was changing. Once a beautiful, sweet, innocent, precious angel, Latasha Grant was beginning to have a very bad attitude towards everyone. She was becoming disrespectful to all of those who mattered to her. And not only was she hanging out with the wrong people, but she was also getting involved in activities that were out of character for her. Activities that was going to eventually get her thrown in jail, if not killed.
Quan did not like what he was seeing in his girlfriend. She was becoming cold, she was becoming evil, she was becoming devious, and no longer seemed to have a heart, a conscious, or a soul. Da'Quan Jackson's girlfriend Latasha Grant was becoming who and what he was. Which is a ruthless, cunning, ugly monster, who didn't give a damn about anyone or anything.