Deep space exploration vessel, Orion, is on a routine mission when a devastating fault occurs. Second Engineer Peter Thornton scrambles into an escape pod with only moments to spare. Later, he wakes up on an unfamiliar planet populated by dangerous life forms. Facing dwindling resources and unable to locate any surviving crew members, he must use every skill he has if he’s going to live to see another day. After enduring merciless terrain in solitude for almost a year, he is taken by an unknown species. He comes to in a zoo an exhibit with zap happy alien keepers and no obvious means of escape. Just as he finds a weak spot and plots his getaway, a beautiful enigmatic female, Sabetha, is placed in his cage. Though she is a strange being, and he’s unsure whether or not she can be trusted, he’s inexplicably drawn to her. When the opportunity comes, Peter and Sabetha flee with nothing more than a short-term plan. Narrowly escaping capture, rescue comes from a surprising source, but their safety is short-lived. An invasion is on the horizon and Peter quickly discovers his survival is paramount or an entire civilization will be wiped from existence. Together, he and Sabetha must overcome betrayal and teach her peaceable people what it means to be warriors. They might have a fighting chance, but time is running out and this time there’ll be no prisoners.